Tiny Tim!!

Tiny Tim is one of four in the litter dumped the the Post Office three weeks ago. Now six weeks old but still tiny he is relearning to walk with the help of a wheelchair designed and 3-D printed by our STEM kids. The STEM Program is hosted by The Embudo Valley Library every Saturday morning. (www.embudovalleylibrary.org) When the litter arrived Tim was clearly injured. X-rays at the Arroyo Seco Animal Hospital revealed a broken back, his spine was snapped and will always have a 120° angle right behind his shoulder blades. When he first arrived he could not walk at all. We did not know if he ever would or if he would be paralyzed for life. In the past three weeks he has gained more strength and can almost walk though his right leg is weak. WE will have wheelchair session everyday to try to develop the muscles in the weak leg. Paws crossed that one day he will walk and play like his littermates! UPDATE: Tiny Tim is still tiny compared to his siblings but he has regained 98% mobility!!! He wobbles a bit now and again but nothing slows this little guy down! Time will tell if he has issues as he grows and ages but for now he is doing wonderfully!
